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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Making Of FROZEN Part 1

Frozen: The Making of a Disney Animated Classic Part 1
I’ve decided to split this blog post into several parts for the sole reason of entertainment; for you not to get bored reading a 10 paragraph blog post and having a great time reading this.
Frozen is a wonderful movie and when you know how the movie was made, it makes it even better. For the making of Frozen, there were about 600 crew members that worked for 2 years to make this spectacle of a film. As surprising as it may sound; did you know that Frozen almost didn’t get made? It took about 70 years to put this movie into production. Walt Disney had the dream of creating this movie as long ago as 1937, but sadly it just didn’t fit in, because eventually the sincere Princess movies just went out of style, and also because people felt that the world grew too cynical for a sincere fairytale and so they said “we are not making another one.” And so for the sole purpose to change that decision they decided to bring back hand drawn animation, with The Princess and The Frog and after to kind of introduce the 3D Disney movie animation they made Tangled and eventually came back to The Snow Queen, but with a different name.

Walt Disney Sketches - Princess Anna - walt-disney-characters PhotoThe Creation of Princess Anna

Becky Bresee the Animation Supervisor for “Anna”, said that she really loved how Kristen Bell brought this goofy and fun personality to character in the such a way that people can really relate to it, because she has her faults just like everybody does and so that makes the character come to life and really make her more believable. Kristen bell also commented that she wanted Anna to be goofy and easy because that’s how she felt growing up. She also said that she embraced that fact that Anna is not a so standard princess personality, she wanted Anna to be different, to be a role model to young girls. Becky Bresee also said that she liked how Anna is real girl, a girl that wakes up with messy hair and imperfect, and the way that she actually makes the characters come to life is that, she shoots a small video of herself being the character and just imagining what the character would do in that particular scene, and after she takes that as inspiration and uses it in the creation process. 

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