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Monday, February 16, 2015

Disney Infinity Experience

Disney Infinity Experience

My Recent Experience

Well, I personally love this video game, because it’s all I ever wanted. I love sandbox games, I love most of the Disney characters and I certainly love marvel. I currently own Disney Infinity 2.0; this version includes the Avengers and most of the marvel characters.

I found out about this game because my cousin was so obsessed over it, he has the first version, and he loves it, a little bit too much I must say. I didn’t like it at first, but then an interest grew in me, and so I asked for the game for Christmas, I wasn’t expecting it because it’s kind of expensive, and so if didn’t receive it, I would be ok, and if I received it, I would be ok. When I got it, I was more interested in it. 
I played it on Christmas day, and I just couldn’t stop, I finished the story mode in about three days and then I discovered this game had a toy box application, and so I went through it and well, I couldn’t stop playing. The fact that I could create my own world, in the toy box was mind blowing. I still play it, but not as often as before. This game is all about creativity, you can be as creative as you like, and that’s what captivates me the most about this game. I recommend this game to all of those who like the Disney franchise and all of those who love sandbox games. This game is just wonderful and a real success.

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