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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Once Upon A Time 2nd Episode For Season 4

Once Upon A Time 2nd Episode For Season 4
 - "White Out"-

 Elsa with anger and anguish builds an ice wall and she says that no one will leave the town until her sister, Anna is found. When the wall is built, some light posts are tumbled and the electricity is gone in town. That’s when Emma approaches the town border and sees this wall; she notices a human shadow among the wall and approaches it to investigate it. That’s where Emma meets Elsa. Elsa gets scared and traps Emma and herself in an ice cave. While in the ice cave Emma tries to bond with Elsa. Elsa warns Emma that if Anna isn't found, the whole town would get FROZEN, and then Emma starts showing signs of hypothermia, and started to die. Then Emma’s father (Prince Charming or David) communicated with Elsa and he also was warned, then he went looking for help to Rumpelstiltskin's store and he saw a picture of Ana’s necklace, then he remembered that Ana got branded by Bo Peep and so Bo Peep’s staff can locate her.

When David got to the cave, he told Elsa that they could find Ana with Bo Peep’s staff but they need her to use her magic and drill through the cave to save Emma. But there was an issue; Elsa did not trust in her powers enough to drill through, and so David spoke to her and she gained a bit of confidence. Elsa was able to drill through, Emma was saved. After all of this, the energy got restored in town, and Elsa used Bo Peep’s staff to locate Ana, sadly the staff only released Ana’s Heart Beat, but still Elsa trusted that Ana was Safe and alive. after all the present issues were solved, Emma and Elsa went to the town line to destroy the wall, as Elsa used her magic to destroy nothing was happening, then they asked themselves "why is the wall still up, there is no reason for this to stay frozen?" the Elsa said "I'm the only one with this power, I should be able to undo it". They were wrong. 

Once Upon A Time 1st Episode From Season 4

Once Upon A Time 1st Episode From Season 4 
Brief Recap From Last Season's Finale Episode
The first episode for this season is all about picking up where they left off last season. For a brief recap, Emma and Hook return from the past, and they bring a young lady from the Enchanted Forest, which turns out to be Robin Hood’s wife, Miriam, who at the present  time she should be dead. To this point, Robin Hood is seeing Regina (The Evil Queen); when Robin Hood sees Miriam, he is surprised to see her because he thought she was dead, which she was, so when Robin sees Miriam, his mind gets all mixed up because he has a code where he fulfills all his vows and never breaks them, and as he and Miriam were married, he made a vow to her to be by her side till death do them part.
But before all this happened no one noticed that an urn had been brought from the past and so that’s where Elsa comes into the picture, she was put in that urn long time ago, and she has no clue how it happened.

In the first episode, Elsa is revealed and she wonders around Storybrooke. Later, Elsa loses control of her powers and as she was fearful of the present world, she accidently makes a Snow monster which terrorizes the town; finally Regina saves Miriam from the snow monster and demonstrates that she is hero and no longer a Villain. Then Elsa keeps wondering around Storybrooke and finds Anna’s necklace, but she was looking for something greater. She was looking for her sister, Anna.

Elsa In Storybrooke                                               

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum

Last week on our physics class we had a really good time. Who knew physics could be fun? This happen on Friday and it was an interesting experience. Mr. Popoff, our physics teacher, brought some items from the Lab Room, which would demonstrate angular momentum. He brought a spinning pad, or table, but it’s more like a pad; he also brought a bike wheel with handles on each side, and finally one of my favorite items ever, a gyroscope. I've always liked the gyroscopes, because they look very fancy and elegant, but the type of gyroscope Mr. Popoff brought was a scientific one, it was still cool. For the first item, he presented the spinning pad; he stepped on to it with two weights on his hands and asked one of us students to spin him around. The way he spun was simple, at first he was spun with his arms stretched and as the student let go of him, he coiled his arms and he spun faster. The reason I think he spun faster when he coiled his arms, is that when his arms were stretched, the mass was distributed on the edges of the radius and so he spun slowly because of this. When he spun with his hand on his side, he spun faster, maybe because all the mass was in the center of the pad. Later he grabbed the bike wheel; he spun it and then placed it on the rope, and so the wheel remained on the rope spinning and did not fall for a couple of seconds. Then he grabbed the gyroscope, reeled a piece of thread in it and then he reeled it out with speed and the gyroscope spun on a small pedestal and did not fall, later Mr. Popoff told us to carry it and place it on the piece of thread, we did as told and incredibly it continue to spin and did not fall for a while. It was cool. The reason why both the bike and the gyroscope did not fall was because both conserved their own vertical angular momentum.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Introducing Leo's ONCE UPON A TIME Experience

Introducing Leo's ONCE UPON A TIME Experience
  • Once Upon A Time is an ABC Channel Original series which is basically like a collage of all fairy tale stories like: Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty and most recently The Snow Queen (FROZEN). This school year I’m planning to give this blog a twist for a while. Now instead of being “Leo’s Day By Day Experience”, this will now be “Leo’s Once Upon A Time Experience”.
  • Every week I’ll be posting reviews and hypothesis about each Once Upon A Time’s episode for this Season. What I find so exciting about this season is the fact that they involved FROZEN. I don’t really know if it’s the excitement of actually having FROZEN in the series, or the fact that this season is much more exciting in the aspect of Drama and that entire sort. I quite love the roll that The Snow Queen plays because she’s kind of a silent/creepy villain which is quite attractive, to my personal opinion.
  • The plan that The Snow Queen is trying to accomplish is really somewhat creepy, I mean who would have a sick and twisted mind to actually kill most of a town to make a perfect family; take that for twisted. 
  • This week I’ll make a review about the first and second episode for this 4th Season. I truthfully recommend this series, it’s really awesome in all aspects, I mean once you think you know what the character’s story is, you watch one of Once Upon A Time’s episodes, and you could really get surprised on watching how the series twists the stories and connects characters with each other.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Chemistry Demonstration Class

This week and last week we've been taught by our teacher Mr. Popoff, all about crystallization, saturated solutions, unsaturated solutions,Henry law and many more i’ll soon be defining and describing. Last week we were asked to bring a Coca Cola® can to class, we were not told why, we were just asked to bring them.  This Monday we had our Chemistry class, the class was basically like a demonstration on what crystallization really is, crystallization is the formation of solid crystals precipitating from a solution,melt or more rarely deposited directly from a gas. In our latest chemistry class we had Laboratory project that taught us how to make crystallization happen with destilated water and ammonium chloride, basically this was done in a test tube with certain amount of ammonium chloride, destilated water in it, heat bathed on a beaker full of water.
We also were explained on what a solution equilibrium is, which is when the concentration of the solute is the same throughout a system. We also were demonstrated physically what a saturated and an unsaturated  solution looks like; Saturated solution are solutions which the maximum amount of solvent have been dissolved. Any more solute added will sit as crystals on the bottom of the test tube or container, and unsaturated solution are solutions in which the solute concentration is lower than its equilibrium solubility. We were also cleverly explained what a Super saturated solution is, its basically a solution where there are more particles or solutes than solvent in a solution.

The coke experiment was actually really cool. We had about seven or less coke cans, ones were room temperature and ones were icy cold, we were trying to see which one of those based on their temperature, would burst more, it turned out to be the icy cold cans.

Monday, May 19, 2014



December, Christmas day, I felt so excited because I saw a box with the shape and size of the sai, I just couldn’t wait to open it, sadly we usually take turns to open the presents; I was the last one sadly. When I opened them, nothing could make me happier that moment, I just wanted to hold them forever, that same second my parents told, “hey, be very careful with those, they are extremely sharp, watch out” I just told them that everything was fine, I could handle them.

Weeks after, I started to practice using these new sai, the first time I spun them, I did it perfectly, the second time, well, the flew off my hands, what a disaster! The sai that fell to the floor fell from the sharp end to the floor, so It wasn’t sharp anymore. Later on I got a new pair of sai, these were also Elektra sai, only these were wrapped in some wicker string, these were exactly like the ones on the film.

This is my current sai collection

Wednesday, May 14, 2014



During the learning stage, I found out that the sai I had order online, were about 15 inches long; not really what I wanted, but oh well. The learning stage was kind of difficult for me because I had no instructor to guide me, just the video and common sense. At first the sai kept falling off my hands or they flew off my hands. Once, one of my hand nails got hurt because the sai fell over it, my nail got purple and it hurt all day.


After all the basic learning processes ended, I realized that the pair of sai I had were not really enough for me, so I researched for more of them, and I found out that I could own a pair of the ELEKTRA™ Marvel film sai. I lashed with excitement when I found out! I had an advantage point to, the holidays were near, and so I asked for a pair. I was so excited and nervous at the same time because I didn't know if I would get them or not. These were very expensive because these were a pair out of 2000 made, so of course they had to be over valued. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Sai, they are Japanese weapons, which are knife and sword-like weapons. The longest Sai are 20 inches long, these are lethal weapons they were usually used only for killing. The Sai has three blades, one in the middle and one on each side of the middle blade.


For years I have admired these weapons, because they look so elegant and beautiful, also because they are really cool. About nine months ago, I finally had the opportunity to own a pair of Sai. At first I thought they were pretty heavy, but after a while they seemed light weight because I got use to them quickly enough. Later that week I got them, I researched the net for Sai lessons, I found a lot of tricks that could be performed with said weapon. I must say, I had quiet a lot of accidents.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Power Rangers Influence on My Life

Hello, have ever seen power rangers? Which ones did you see? Do you like them, love them or adore them? Well, I have seen Power Rangers and I saw all of them and I love them. I think in my life, power rangers was one of the biggest influences while I was growing up, I mean my brother and I use to pretend we were power rangers all the time, it was awesome! I think power rangers really gave me that sense of bravery and honesty I think i posses. Has power rangers influenced your life in some way? I bet it has, maybe in something very very small, but it has. My brother as been too influenced by the power rangers, he constantly bothers me and tells me that he is the white ranger, its so funny, obviously he's just kidding around but, he really likes power rangers, he even learned how to fight because he watched power rangers a little too much. To this point he is excited for a power rangers episode where all the power rangers in history will appear together for the first time. I'm also dying to see it! 

Power Rangers Influence on My Life

Hello, have ever seen power rangers? Which ones did you see? Do you like them, love them or adore them? Well, I have seen Power Rangers and I saw all of them and I love them. I think in my life, power rangers was one of the biggest influences while I was growing up, I mean my brother and I use to pretend we were power rangers all the time, it was awesome! I think power rangers really gave me that sense of bravery and honesty I think i posses. Has power rangers influenced your life in some way? I bet it has, maybe in something very very small, but it has. My brother as been too influenced by the power rangers, he constantly bothers me and tells me that he is the white ranger, its so funny, obviously he's just kidding around but, he really likes power rangers, he even learned how to fight because he watched power rangers a little too much. To this point he is excited for a power rangers episode where all the power rangers in history will appear together for the first time. I'm also dying to see it! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More About Myself!

More About Myself!

Hello everybody, today I thought you guys would like to know more about me. Well to this day, music has been a major part of my life as it is, music usually brings me peace when I need it, but it also brings me cheer. I like Pop, electronic, score, soundtracks and some of country. If you don’t know what a score is, it’s basically the instrumentals from films (Background music); scores bring me such peace, it really relaxes me.
For example, I currently own the Elektra score and the Frozen score. The Atlantis The Lost Empire score is on its way, I ordered it 2 weeks ago, so I’ll soon have it on my hands.
Another important fact about me is that I’m a collector. I collect various things like, albums, movies, books, Legos, board games, coins and corals. The reason I collect these things is because someday my children will ask “dad? What were your favorite things as a child?” and I would just grab the box and show them.
Currently I own:
·       All four Lady Gaga albums

·       Four Rihanna albums

·       All Demi Lovato albums
·       Two Taylor Swift albums

·       Both Ashley Tisdale Albums

And more

·       Atlantis The Lost Empire (Collector’s Edition and Blu-Ray)

·       All Shrek movies
·       All Rihanna concert films
·       All High School Musical films
And more

SIDE NOTE: I only own things I really like.