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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Once Upon A Time 1st Episode From Season 4

Once Upon A Time 1st Episode From Season 4 
Brief Recap From Last Season's Finale Episode
The first episode for this season is all about picking up where they left off last season. For a brief recap, Emma and Hook return from the past, and they bring a young lady from the Enchanted Forest, which turns out to be Robin Hood’s wife, Miriam, who at the present  time she should be dead. To this point, Robin Hood is seeing Regina (The Evil Queen); when Robin Hood sees Miriam, he is surprised to see her because he thought she was dead, which she was, so when Robin sees Miriam, his mind gets all mixed up because he has a code where he fulfills all his vows and never breaks them, and as he and Miriam were married, he made a vow to her to be by her side till death do them part.
But before all this happened no one noticed that an urn had been brought from the past and so that’s where Elsa comes into the picture, she was put in that urn long time ago, and she has no clue how it happened.

In the first episode, Elsa is revealed and she wonders around Storybrooke. Later, Elsa loses control of her powers and as she was fearful of the present world, she accidently makes a Snow monster which terrorizes the town; finally Regina saves Miriam from the snow monster and demonstrates that she is hero and no longer a Villain. Then Elsa keeps wondering around Storybrooke and finds Anna’s necklace, but she was looking for something greater. She was looking for her sister, Anna.

Elsa In Storybrooke                                               

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