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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Once Upon A Time 3rd Episode For Season 4

Once Upon A Time 3rd Episode For Season 4
"Rocky Road"

The third episode starts with, Robin Hood, his son and his wife, Miriam walking around Storybrooke, they are showing Miriam around, because as I mention before, she comes from the past. Then suddenly Robin’s kid asked if he could have ice cream, they both agreed, and so, they walked towards the ice cream shop. When they got there, they were greeted by Ingrid, the person in charge of the store, robin and his son, asked for rocky road, as Miriam wasn't from this world, she had the least bit of an idea on what to ask for, and so Ingrid was kind enough to offer her a simple vanilla ice-cream cone, as she added some sprinkles to it, it was seen how Ingrid waved her hand over the cone and some translucent shimmer appeared. What could this be?

As Miriam and Robin Hood entered a municipal meeting that snow white and prince charming had planned, out of nowhere Miriam started to feel dizzy and lost sight, and then of course she fainted. Everybody got scared at that moment. Then, Robin had no one else to go to, and so he went looking for Regina in hopes that she could be of any help. When robin got to her, he asked if there was something she could do to reverse the curse; she sadly said no, there was nothing she could do.
Later on when Regina left to see Miriam, Elsa walked in with Emma, Regina blamed Elsa for what was happening to Miriam, for the curse was lifted with ice magic which Elsa possessed. Elsa told them this wasn't her magic and so they seek the Dark One for his help. He was able to help and turned a lock of Miriam’s hair into snowflakes that lead to the owner’s magic source. Elsa and Hook took the journey and followed the snowflakes.
Eventually the snowflakes lead them to the Snow Queen A.K.A Ingrid. Elsa saw her and she was astounded with what she saw, she saw someone just like her, this made her feel happy and interested.

This episode also tells us how The Snow Queen came to be. It turns out The Snow Queen was released years ago from the same Urn Elsa escaped. Prince Hans, Elsa’s and Anna’s nemesis, released her in hope the urn would dispose of Elsa, and make him the ruler of Arendele. After the snow queen was released, Elsa was grateful for her help, because the Snow Queen froze Hans and saved her. After a while Elsa and Ingrid caught up on their lives, and Elsa found out that The Snow Queen is or was , Elsa’s mother’s sister, that makes  The Snow Queen  Elsa’s and Anna’s Aunt.

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