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Friday, October 11, 2013

Introduction To My Blog & Myself

My Blog and a Piece Of Me

Hi! my name is Leo or Awesome L. I am currently a 10th grader. I am a 16 year old guy who really likes music, art, and Pop Culture. Music in my life is very important and is also extremely necessary.

Music helps me memories stuff, and while i'm drawing i listen to music, so that inspires most of my drawings. In this blog you will be able to see my drawings and to listen to most of songs I have remixed.

Art for me is also very important in my life, because, it relaxes my mind and when ever i'm bored, i can look back at them and remember what i was doing in that moment or what was i watching on TV. ITS PRETTY COOL.
School this year is pretty awesome. I feel i'm happier right now in the present, than in the past. I've experienced new stuff like Ping Pong, and excising.

 For some reason this year, I've exercised more than ever. I've gone to the gym, danced in my room, and even Racket balling. This past summer, I tried to play Racket Ball and well at first, it didn't go as expected but after a week of practice, I got better. I almost won a match against my brother, 15 to 12, i was kind of proud of that. Maybe some day I'll be a Pro.

To Be Continued........

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