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Monday, December 2, 2013


Yesterday,we finally built the Christmas tree, although I really wanted to go and see the Catching Fire movie, but, oh well; Family time, right? It took about 5 hours to build the whole living room Christmas style. We built the tree, hanged the Christmas lights, it was wonderful! After putting everything together, we watched a Christmas movie, a holiday classic, Unaccompanied Minors. Traditionally, after we put all the Christmas stuff, we watch a Christmas movie; you know to enter into that holiday spirit; and also traditionally we build the tree after thanksgiving. We never build it on November; it always has to be on December, either the first week or the second week of December. This year we had to delay the Christmas garlands placing because we are having the roof renewed, so that’s a misfortune. Later on I’ll post some pictures of how the living room looks like.

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