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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

LEGO Marvel Video Game!!

IM BACK! After a long wait of, about two weeks I would say, I'm back with fresh and new blog posts!
After exam week, I downloaded a game, to relax my mind after a long and stressful week. This game is called LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, its a really fun game, I managed finish it, in less than a week, about 4 days i would say. This game is based on the Marvel Comics Universe, but in LEGO styled. In this game you can unlock any Marvel Super Hero you can imagine, such as: Daredevil, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Elektra, Black Widow, and many more. The scenes in the game were quite funny, the story line in the game was very elaborate and very well planned. I personally recommend this game for everyone specially kids! 

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